Leasing Services

We work with both owners and tenants. We do not “push” business owners into buildings that do not fit all of their criteria, nor do we expect to be paid until we succeed.

Entrepreneurs looking for quality space to run their businesses come to us to be treated with respect and for a good deal. Once in a while clients already know where they want to be but have had difficulty negotiating the right deal. Most likely we can find the missing pieces that will bring results.

Building owners who have had enough excuses from the “Big Firms” who represent "in house" listing first, call us for results. We match your space up with new tenants – simple..

Using advanced in house data networks we help our owners target tenants in the area whose leases are expiring. We also have strong local market affiliations with Tenant Rep’s that bring us pre-qualified prospects ready to make a move.

We can also assist with strategic planning, demographic and site consulting, comparative financial analysis, construction of space, and even sub-lease options.

If you would like to discuss your needs, contact us. We look forward to speaking with you.